Linux: Tcsh

This article introduces the tcsh in detail. And the most of the content is from Tcsh Manual v6.19.00. I try to understand all features and add some examples in this article.


The official website of Tcsh is here.

What’s csh?

The C shell (csh) is a Unix shell that was created by Bill Joy while he was a graduate student at University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s. It has been distributed widely, beginning with the 2BSD release of the BSD Unix system that Joy began distributing in 1978. Other early contributors to the ideas or the code were Michael Ubell, Eric Allman, Mike O’Brien and Jim Kulp.

The C shell is a command processor typically run in a text window, allowing the user to type commands. The C shell can also read commands from a file, called a script. Like all Unix shells, it supports filename wildcarding, piping, here documents, command substitution, variables and control structures for condition-testing and iteration. What differentiated the C shell from others, especially in the 1980s, were its interactive features and overall style. Its new features made it easier and faster to use. The overall style of the language looked more like C and was seen as more readable.

What’s Tcsh?

Tcsh is a Unix shell based on and compatible with the C shell (csh). It is essentially the C shell with programmable command-line completion, command-line editing, and a few other features. Unlike the other common shells, functions cannot be defined in a tcsh script and the user must use aliases instead (as in csh).

The t in tcsh comes from the T in TENEX, an operating system which inspired Ken Greer at Carnegie Mellon University, the author of tcsh, with its command-completion feature. Greer began working on his code to implement Tenex-style file name completion in September 1975, finally merging it into the C shell in December 1981. Mike Ellis at Fairchild A.I. Labs added command completion in September 1983. On October 3, 1983, Greer posted source to the net.sources newsgroup.

Tcsh Releases

Releases Date
6.00.00 1995-09-23
6.01.00 1995-09-23
6.02.00 1995-09-23
6.03.00 1995-09-23
6.04.00 1995-09-23
6.05.00 1995-09-23
6.06.00 1995-09-23
6.07.00 1996-10-27
6.08.00 1998-10-02
6.09.00 1999-08-06
6.10.00 2000-11-19
6.11.00 2001-09-02
6.12.00 2002-07-23
6.13.00 2004-05-19
6.14.00 2005-03-25
6.15.00 2007-03-03
6.16.00 2008-10-09
6.17.00 2009-07-10
6.18.00 2012-01-14
6.19.00 2015-05-21


Formats: tcsh [-bcdefFimnqstvVxX] [-Dname[=value]] [arg ...] tcsh -l

If the first argument (argument 0) to the shell is - then it is a login shell. A login shell can be also specified by invoking the shell with the -l flag as the only argument.

The rest of the flag arguments are interpreted as follows:

Options Description
-b Forces a break from option processing, causing any further shell arguments to be treated as non-option arguments. The remaining arguments will not be interpreted as shell options. This may be used to pass options to a shell script without confusion or possible subterfuge. The shell will not run a set-user ID script without this option.
-c Commands are read from the following argument (which must be present, and must be a single argument), stored in the command shell variable for reference, and executed. Any remaining arguments are placed in the argv shell variable.
-d The shell loads the directory stack from ~/.cshdirs as described under Startup and shutdown, whether or not it is a login shell. (+)
-e The shell exits if any invoked command terminates abnormally or yields a non-zero exit status.
-f The shell does not load any resource or startup files, or perform any command hashing, and thus starts faster.
-F The shell uses fork(2) instead of vfork(2) to spawn processes. (+)
-i The shell is interactive and prompts for its top-level input, even if it appears to not be a terminal. Shells are interactive without this option if their inputs and outputs are terminals.
-l The shell is a login shell. Applicable only if -l is the only flag specified.
-m The shell loads ~/.tcshrc even if it does not belong to the effective user. Newer versions of su(1) can pass -m to the shell. (+)
-n The shell parses commands but does not execute them. This aids in debugging shell scripts.
-q The shell accepts SIGQUIT and behaves when it is used under a debugger. Job control is disabled. (u)
-s Command input is taken from the standard input.
-t The shell reads and executes a single line of input. A \ may be used to escape the newline at the end of this line and continue onto another line.
-v Sets the verbose shell variable, so that command input is echoed after history substitution.
-V Sets the verbose shell variable even before executing ~/.tcshrc.
-x Sets the echo shell variable, so that commands are echoed immediately before execution.
-X Is to -x as -V is to -v.
-Dname[=value] Sets the environment variable name to value. (Domain/OS only) (+)
--help Print a help message on the standard output and exit. (+)
--version Print the version/platform/compilation options on the standard output and exit. This information is also contained in the version shell variable. (+)

After processing of flag arguments, if arguments remain but none of the -c, -i, -s, or -t options were given, the first argument is taken as the name of a file of commands, or script, to be executed. The shell opens this file and saves its name for possible resubstitution by $0. Because many systems use either the standard version 6 or version 7 shells whose shell scripts are not compatible with this shell, the shell uses such a standard shell to execute a script whose first character is not a #, i.e., that does not start with a comment.

Remaining arguments are placed in the argv shell variable.


Startup and shutdown

A login shell begins by executing commands from the system files /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login. It then executes commands from files in the user’s home directory: first ~/.tcshrc (+) or, if ~/.tcshrc is not found, ~/.cshrc, then ~/.history (or the value of the histfile shell variable), then ~/.login, and finally ~/.cshdirs (or the value of the dirsfile shell variable) (+). The shell may read /etc/csh.login before instead of after /etc/csh.cshrc, and ~/.login before instead of after ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc and ~/.history, if so compiled; see the version shell variable. (+)

Non-login shells read only /etc/csh.cshrc and ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc on startup.

For examples of startup files, please consult the tcshrc project.

Commands like stty(1) and tset(1), which need be run only once per login, usually go in one’s ~/.login file. Users who need to use the same set of files with both csh(1) and tcsh can have only a ~/.cshrc which checks for the existence of the tcsh shell variable (q.v.) before using tcsh-specific commands, or can have both a ~/.cshrc and a ~/.tcshrc which sources (see the builtin command) ~/.cshrc. The rest of this manual uses ~/.tcshrc to mean ~/.tcshrc or, if ~/.tcshrc is not found, ~/.cshrc.

In the normal case, the shell begins reading commands from the terminal, prompting with >. (Processing of arguments and the use of the shell to process files containing command scripts are described later.) The shell repeatedly reads a line of command input, breaks it into words, places it on the command history list, parses it and executes each command in the line.

One can log out by typing ^D on an empty line, logout or login or via the shell’s autologout mechanism (see the autologout shell variable). When a login shell terminates it sets the logout shell variable to normal or automatic as appropriate, then executes commands from the files /etc/csh.logout and ~/.logout. The shell may drop DTR on logout if so compiled; see the version shell variable.

The names of the system login and logout files vary from system to system for compatibility with different csh(1) variants; see FILES.

When startup, the shell begins by executing commands from the following system files:

Files Login tcsh Non-login tcsh
/etc/csh.cshrc Yes Yes
/etc/csh.login Yes No
~/.tcshrc Yes Yes
~/.cshrc Yes, if ~/.tcshrc is not found Yes, if ~/.tcshrc is not found
~/.history Yes No
value of histfile shell variable Yes, if ~/.history is not found No
~/.login Yes No
~/.cshdirs Yes No
value of dirsfile shell variable Yes, if ~/.cshdirs is not found No

Note: The shell may read /etc/csh.login before instead of after /etc/csh.cshrc, and ~/.login before instead of after ~/.tcshrc or ~/.cshrc and ~/.history, if so compiled; see the version shell variable. (+)

When a login shell terminates, the shell begins by executing commands from the following system files:

Files Login tcsh
/etc/csh.logout Yes
~/.logout Yes

The command-line editor (+)

Command-line input can be edited using key sequences much like those used in emacs(1) or vi(1). The editor is active only when the edit shell variable is set, which it is by default in interactive shells. The bindkey builtin can display and change key bindings. emacs(1)-style key bindings are used by default (unless the shell was compiled otherwise; see the version shell variable), but bindkey can change the key bindings to vi(1)-style bindings en masse.

The shell always binds the arrow keys (as defined in the TERMCAP environment variable) to

TERMCAP Description
down down-history
up up-history
left backward-char
right forward-char

unless doing so would alter another single-character binding. One can set the arrow key escape sequences to the empty string with settc to prevent these bindings. The ANSI/VT100 sequences for arrow keys are always bound.

Other key bindings are, for the most part, what emacs(1) and vi(1) users would expect and can easily be displayed by bindkey, so there is no need to list them here. Likewise, bindkey can list the editor commands with a short description of each. Certain key bindings have different behavior depending if emacs(1) or vi(1) style bindings are being used; see vimode for more information.

Note that editor commands do not have the same notion of a word as does the shell. The editor delimits words with any non-alphanumeric characters not in the shell variable wordchars, while the shell recognizes only whitespace and some of the characters with special meanings to it, listed under Lexical structure.


chenwx@chenwx ~ $ tcsh
chenwx:~> bindkey
Standard key bindings
"^@"           ->  set-mark-command
"^A"           ->  beginning-of-line
"^B"           ->  backward-char
"^C"           ->  tty-sigintr
"^D"           ->  delete-char-or-list-or-eof
"^E"           ->  end-of-line
"^F"           ->  forward-char
"^G"           ->  is undefined
"^H"           ->  backward-delete-char
"^I"           ->  complete-word
"^J"           ->  newline
"^K"           ->  kill-line
"^L"           ->  clear-screen

Completion and listing (+)

The shell is often able to complete words when given a unique abbreviation. Type part of a word (for example ls /usr/lost) and hit the tab key to run the complete-word editor command. The shell completes the filename /usr/lost to /usr/lost+found/, replacing the incomplete word with the complete word in the input buffer. (Note the terminal /; completion adds a / to the end of completed directories and a space to the end of other completed words, to speed typing and provide a visual indicator of successful completion. The addsuffix shell variable can be unset to prevent this.) If no match is found (perhaps /usr/lost+found doesn’t exist), the terminal bell rings. If the word is already complete (perhaps there is a /usr/lost on your system, or perhaps you were thinking too far ahead and typed the whole thing) a / or space is added to the end if it isn’t already there.

Completion works anywhere in the line, not at just the end; completed text pushes the rest of the line to the right. Completion in the middle of a word often results in leftover characters to the right of the cursor that need to be deleted.

Commands and variables can be completed in much the same way. For example, typing em[tab] would complete em to emacs if emacs were the only command on your system beginning with em. Completion can find a command in any directory in path or if given a full pathname. Typing echo $ar[tab] would complete $ar to $argv if no other variable began with ar.

The shell parses the input buffer to determine whether the word you want to complete should be completed as a filename, command or variable. The first word in the buffer and the first word following ;, |, |&, && or || is considered to be a command. A word beginning with $ is considered to be a variable. Anything else is a filename. An empty line is completed as a filename.

You can list the possible completions of a word at any time by typing ^D to run the delete-char-or-list-or-eof editor command. The shell lists the possible completions using the ls-F builtin (q.v.) and reprints the prompt and unfinished command line, for example:

> ls /usr/l[^D]
lbin/ lib/ local/ lost+found/
> ls /usr/l

If the autolist shell variable is set, the shell lists the remaining choices (if any) whenever completion fails:

> set autolist
> nm /usr/lib/libt[tab]
libtermcap.a@ libtermlib.a@
> nm /usr/lib/libterm

If autolist is set to ambiguous, choices are listed only when completion fails and adds no new characters to the word being completed.

A filename to be completed can contain variables, your own or others’ home directories abbreviated with ~ (see Filename substitution) and directory stack entries abbreviated with = (see Directory stack substitution). For example,

> ls ~k[^D]
kahn kas kellogg
> ls ~ke[tab]
> ls ~kellogg/


> set local = /usr/local
> ls $lo[tab]
> ls $local/[^D]
bin/ etc/ lib/ man/ src/
> ls $local/

Note that variables can also be expanded explicitly with the expand-variables editor command.

delete-char-or-list-or-eof lists at only the end of the line; in the middle of a line it deletes the character under the cursor and on an empty line it logs one out or, if ignoreeof is set, does nothing. M-^D, bound to the editor command list-choices, lists completion possibilities anywhere on a line, and list-choices (or any one of the related editor commands that do or don’t delete, list and/or log out, listed under delete-char-or-list-or-eof) can be bound to ^D with the bindkey builtin command if so desired.

The complete-word-fwd and complete-word-back editor commands (not bound to any keys by default) can be used to cycle up and down through the list of possible completions, replacing the current word with the next or previous word in the list.

The shell variable fignore can be set to a list of suffixes to be ignored by completion. Consider the following:

> ls
Makefile condiments.h~ main.o side.c
README main.c meal side.o
condiments.h main.c~
> set fignore = (.o \~)
> emacs ma[^D]
main.c main.c~ main.o
> emacs ma[tab]
> emacs main.c

main.c~ and main.o are ignored by completion (but not listing), because they end in suffixes in fignore. Note that a \ was needed in front of ~ to prevent it from being expanded to home as described under Filename substitution. fignore is ignored if only one completion is possible.

If the complete shell variable is set to enhance, completion 1) ignores case and 2) considers periods, hyphens and underscores (., - and _) to be word separators and hyphens and underscores to be equivalent. If you had the following files

comp.lang.c comp.lang.perl comp.std.c++ comp.lang.c++ comp.std.c

and typed mail -f c.l.c[tab], it would be completed to mail -f comp.lang.c, and ^D would list comp.lang.c and comp.lang.c++. mail -f c..c++[^D] would list comp.lang.c++ and comp.std.c++. Typing rm a--file[^D] in the following directory

A_silly_file a-hyphenated-file another_silly_file

would list all three files, because case is ignored and hyphens and underscores are equivalent. Periods, however, are not equivalent to hyphens or underscores.

If the complete shell variable is set to Enhance, completion ignores case and differences between a hyphen and an underscore word separator only when the user types a lowercase character or a hyphen. Entering an uppercase character or an underscore will not match the corresponding lowercase character or hyphen word separator. Typing rm a--file[^D] in the directory of the previous example would still list all three files, but typing rm A--file would match only A_silly_file and typing rm a__file[^D] would match just A_silly_file and another_silly_file because the user explicitly used an uppercase or an underscore character.

Completion and listing are affected by several other shell variables:

recexact can be set to complete on the shortest possible unique match, even if more typing might result in a longer match:

> ls
fodder foo food foonly
> set recexact
> rm fo[tab]

just beeps, because fo could expand to fod or foo, but if we type another o,

> rm foo[tab]
> rm foo

the completion completes on foo, even though food and foonly also match.

autoexpand can be set to run the expand-history editor command before each completion attempt.

autocorrect can be set to spelling-correct the word to be completed (see Spelling correction) before each completion attempt and correct can be set to complete commands automatically after one hits return.

matchbeep can be set to make completion beep or not beep in a variety of situations;

nobeep can be set to never beep at all.

nostat can be set to a list of directories and/or patterns that match directories to prevent the completion mechanism from stat(2)ing those directories.

listmax and listmaxrows can be set to limit the number of items and rows (respectively) that are listed without asking first.

recognize_only_executables can be set to make the shell list only executables when listing commands, but it is quite slow.

Finally, the complete builtin command can be used to tell the shell how to complete words other than filenames, commands and variables. Completion and listing do not work on glob-patterns (see Filename substitution), but the list-glob and expand-glob editor commands perform equivalent functions for glob-patterns.

Spelling correction (+)

The shell can sometimes correct the spelling of filenames, commands and variable names as well as completing and listing them.

Individual words can be spelling-corrected with the spell-word editor command (usually bound to M-s and M-S) and the entire input buffer with spell-line (usually bound to M-$). The correct shell variable can be set to cmd to correct the command name or all to correct the entire line each time return is typed, and autocorrect can be set to correct the word to be completed before each completion attempt.

When spelling correction is invoked in any of these ways and the shell thinks that any part of the command line is misspelled, it prompts with the corrected line:

> set correct = cmd
> lz /usr/bin
CORRECT>ls /usr/bin (y|n|e|a)?

One can answer:

  • y or space to execute the corrected line,
  • e to leave the uncorrected command in the input buffer,
  • a to abort the command as if ^C had been hit, and
  • anything else to execute the original line unchanged.

Spelling correction recognizes user-defined completions (see the complete builtin command). If an input word in a position for which a completion is defined resembles a word in the completion list, spelling correction registers a misspelling and suggests the latter word as a correction. However, if the input word does not match any of the possible completions for that position, spelling correction does not register a misspelling.

Like completion, spelling correction works anywhere in the line, pushing the rest of the line to the right and possibly leaving extra characters to the right of the cursor.

Editor commands (+)

bindkey lists key bindings and bindkey -l lists and briefly describes editor commands. Only new or especially interesting editor commands are described here. See emacs(1) and vi(1) for descriptions of each editor’s key bindings.

^character means a control character and M-character a meta character, typed as escape-character on terminals without a meta key. Case counts, but commands that are bound to letters by default are bound to both lower- and uppercase letters for convenience.

Commands Default Bindings Description
backward-char ^B
Move back a character. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
forward-char ^F
Move forward one character. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
backward-delete-word M-^H
Cut from beginning of current word to cursor - saved in cut buffer. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
backward-word M-b
Move to beginning of current word. Word boundary and cursor behavior modified by vimode.
forward-word M-f
Move forward to end of current word. Word boundary and cursor behavior modified by vimode.
beginning-of-line ^A
Move to beginning of line. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
end-of-line ^E
Move cursor to end of line. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
capitalize-word M-c
Capitalize the characters from cursor to end of current word. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
downcase-word M-l
Lowercase the characters from cursor to end of current word. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
complete-word tab Completes a word as described under Completion and listing.
complete-word-raw ^X-tab Like complete-word, but ignores user-defined completions.
complete-word-fwd not bound Replaces the current word with the first word in the list of possible completions. May be repeated to step down through the list. At the end of the list, beeps and reverts to the incomplete word.
complete-word-back not bound Like complete-word-fwd, but steps up from the end of the list.
copy-prev-word M-^_ Copies the previous word in the current line into the input buffer. See also insert-last-word. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
dabbrev-expand M-/ Expands the current word to the most recent preceding one for which the current is a leading substring, wrapping around the history list (once) if necessary. Repeating dabbrev-expand without any intervening typing changes to the next previous word etc., skipping identical matches much like history-search-backward does.
delete-char not bound Deletes the character under the cursor. See also delete-char-or-list-or-eof. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
delete-char-or-list not bound Does delete-char if there is a character under the cursor or list-choices at the end of the line. See also delete-char-or-list-or-eof.
delete-char-or-list-or-eof ^D Does delete-char if there is a character under the cursor, list-choices at the end of the line or end-of-file on an empty line. See also those three commands, each of which does only a single action, and delete-char-or-eof, delete-char-or-list and list-or-eof, each of which does a different two out of the three.
delete-char-or-eof not bound Does delete-char if there is a character under the cursor or end-of-file on an empty line. See also delete-char-or-list-or-eof. Cursor behavior modified by vimode.
delete-word M-d
Cut from cursor to end of current word - save in cut buffer. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
up-history up-arrow
Copies the previous entry in the history list into the input buffer. If histlit is set, uses the literal form of the entry. May be repeated to step up through the history list, stopping at the top.
down-history down-arrow
Like up-history, but steps down, stopping at the original input line.
history-search-backward M-p
Searches backwards through the history list for a command beginning with the current contents of the input buffer up to the cursor and copies it into the input buffer. The search string may be a glob-pattern (see Filename substitution) containing *, ?, [] or {}. up-history and down-history will proceed from the appropriate point in the history list. Emacs mode only. See also history-search-forward and i-search-back.
history-search-forward M-n
Like history-search-backward, but searches forward.
i-search-back not bound Searches backward like history-search-backward, copies the first match into the input buffer with the cursor positioned at the end of the pattern, and prompts with bck: and the first match. Additional characters may be typed to extend the search, i-search-back may be typed to continue searching with the same pattern, wrapping around the history list if necessary.
i-search-fwd not bound Like i-search-back, but searches forward. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
end-of-file not bound Signals an end of file, causing the shell to exit unless the ignoreeof shell variable (q.v.) is set to prevent this. See also delete-char-or-list-or-eof.
expand-history M-space Expands history substitutions in the current word. See History substitution. See also magic-space, toggle-literal-history and the autoexpand shell variable.
expand-glob ^X-* Expands the glob-pattern to the left of the cursor. See Filename substitution.
expand-line not bound Like expand-history, but expands history substitutions in each word in the input buffer.
expand-variables ^X-$ Expands the variable to the left of the cursor. See Variable substitution.
insert-last-word M-_ Inserts the last word of the previous input line (!$) into the input buffer. See also copy-prev-word.
list-choices M-^D Lists completion possibilities as described under Completion and listing. See also delete-char-or-list-or-eof and list-choices-raw.
list-choices-raw ^X-^D Like list-choices, but ignores user-defined completions.
list-glob ^X-g
Lists (via the ls-F builtin) matches to the glob-pattern (see Filename substitution) to the left of the cursor.
list-or-eof not bound Does list-choices or end-of-file on an empty line. See also *delete-char-or-list-or-eof.
magic-space not bound Expands history substitutions in the current line, like expand-history, and inserts a space. magic-space is designed to be bound to the space bar, but is not bound by default.
normalize-command ^X-? Searches for the current word in PATH and, if it is found, replaces it with the full path to the executable. Special characters are quoted. Aliases are expanded and quoted but commands within aliases are not. This command is useful with commands that take commands as arguments, e.g., dbx and sh -x.
normalize-path ^X-n
Expands the current word as described under the expand setting of the symlinks shell variable.
overwrite-mode not bound Toggles between input and overwrite modes.
run-fg-editor M-^Z Saves the current input line and looks for a stopped job where the file name portion of its first word is found in the editors shell variable. If editors is not set, then the file name portion of the EDITOR environment variable (ed if unset) and the VISUAL environment variable (vi if unset) will be used. If such a job is found, it is restarted as if fg %job had been typed. This is used to toggle back and forth between an editor and the shell easily. Some people bind this command to ^Z so they can do this even more easily.
run-help M-h
Searches for documentation on the current command, using the same notion of current command as the completion routines, and prints it. There is no way to use a pager; run-help is designed for short help files. If the special alias helpcommand is defined, it is run with the command name as a sole argument. Else, documentation should be in a file named, command.1, command.6, command.8 or command, which should be in one of the directories listed in the HPATH environment variable. If there is more than one help file only the first is printed.
self-insert-command text characters In insert mode (the default), inserts the typed character into the input line after the character under the cursor. In overwrite mode, replaces the character under the cursor with the typed character. The input mode is normally preserved between lines, but the inputmode shell variable can be set to insert or overwrite to put the editor in that mode at the beginning of each line. See also overwrite-mode.
sequence-lead-in arrow prefix

meta prefix

Indicates that the following characters are part of a multi-key sequence. Binding a command to a multi-key sequence really creates two bindings: the first character to sequence-lead-in and the whole sequence to the command. All sequences beginning with a character bound to sequence-lead-in are effectively bound to undefined-key unless bound to another command.
spell-line M-$ Attempts to correct the spelling of each word in the input buffer, like spell-word, but ignores words whose first character is one of -, !, ^ or %, or which contain \, * or ?, to avoid problems with switches, substitutions and the like. See Spelling correction.
spell-word M-s
Attempts to correct the spelling of the current word as described under Spelling correction. Checks each component of a word which appears to be a pathname.
toggle-literal-history M-r
Expands or unexpands history substitutions in the input buffer. See also expand-history and the autoexpand shell variable.
undefined-key any unbound key Beeps.
vi-beginning-of-next-word not bound Vi goto the beginning of next word. Word boundary and cursor behavior modified by vimode.
vi-eword not bound Vi move to the end of the current word. Word boundary behavior modified by vimode.
vi-search-back ? Prompts with ? for a search string (which may be a glob-pattern, as with history-search-backward), searches for it and copies it into the input buffer. The bell rings if no match is found. Hitting return ends the search and leaves the last match in the input buffer. Hitting escape ends the search and executes the match. vi mode only.
vi-search-fwd / Like vi-search-back, but searches forward.
which-command M-? Does a which (see the description of the builtin command) on the first word of the input buffer.
yank-pop M-y When executed immediately after a yank or another yank-pop, replaces the yanked string with the next previous string from the killring. This also has the effect of rotating the killring, such that this string will be considered the most recently killed by a later yank command. Repeating yank-pop will cycle through the killring any number of times.

Lexical structure

The shell splits input lines into words at blanks and tabs. The special characters & | ; < > ( ) and the doubled characters && || << >> are always separate words, whether or not they are surrounded by whitespace.

When the shell’s input is not a terminal, the character # is taken to begin a comment. Each # and the rest of the input line on which it appears is discarded before further parsing.

A special character (including a blank or tab) may be prevented from having its special meaning, and possibly made part of another word, by preceding it with a backslash (\) or enclosing it in single ('), double (") or backward (\`) quotes. When not otherwise quoted a newline preceded by a \' is equivalent to a blank, but inside quotes this sequence results in a newline.

Furthermore, all Substitutions except History substitution can be prevented by enclosing the strings (or parts of strings) in which they appear with single quotes or by quoting the crucial character(s) (e.g., $ or \` for Variable substitution or Command substitution respectively) with \. (Alias substitution is no exception: quoting in any way any character of a word for which an alias has been defined prevents substitution of the alias. The usual way of quoting an alias is to precede it with a backslash.) History substitution is prevented by backslashes but not by single quotes. Strings quoted with double or backward quotes undergo Variable substitution and Command substitution, but other substitutions are prevented.

Text inside single or double quotes becomes a single word (or part of one). Metacharacters in these strings, including blank and tabs, do not form separate words. Only in one special case (see Command substitution) can a double-quoted string yield parts of more than one word; single-quoted strings never do. Backward quotes are special: they signal Command substitution (q.v.), which may result in more than one word.

Quoting complex strings, particularly strings which themselves contain quoting characters, can be confusing. Remember that quotes need not be used as they are in human writing! It may be easier to quote not an entire string, but only those parts of the string which need quoting, using different types of quoting to do so if appropriate.

The backslash_quote shell variable (q.v.) can be set to make backslashes always quote \, ', and ". (+) This may make complex quoting tasks easier, but it can cause syntax errors in csh(1) scripts.


We now describe the various transformations the shell performs on the input in the order in which they occur. We note in passing the data structures involved and the commands and variables which affect them. Remember that substitutions can be prevented by quoting as described under Lexical structure.

History substitution

Each command, or event, input from the terminal is saved in the history list. The previous command is always saved, and the history shell variable can be set to a number to save that many commands. The histdup shell variable can be set to not save duplicate events or consecutive duplicate events.

Saved commands are numbered sequentially from 1 and stamped with the time. It is not usually necessary to use event numbers, but the current event number can be made part of the prompt by placing an ! in the prompt shell variable.

The shell actually saves history in expanded and literal (unexpanded) forms. If the histlit shell variable is set, commands that display and store history use the literal form.

The history builtin command can print, store in a file, restore and clear the history list at any time, and the savehist and histfile shell variables can be set to store the history list automatically on logout and restore it on login.

History substitutions introduce words from the history list into the input stream, making it easy to repeat commands, repeat arguments of a previous command in the current command, or fix spelling mistakes in the previous command with little typing and a high degree of confidence.

History substitutions begin with the character !. They may begin anywhere in the input stream, but they do not nest. The ! may be preceded by a \ to prevent its special meaning; for convenience, a ! is passed unchanged when it is followed by a blank, tab, newline, = or (. History substitutions also occur when an input line begins with ^. This special abbreviation will be described later. The characters used to signal history substitution (! and ^) can be changed by setting the histchars shell variable. Any input line which contains a history substitution is printed before it is executed.

A history substitution may have an event specification, which indicates the event from which words are to be taken, a word designator, which selects particular words from the chosen event, and/or a modifier, which manipulates the selected words.

An event specification can be

event Description
n A number, referring to a particular event
-n An offset, referring to the event n before the current event
# The current event. This should be used carefully in csh(1), where there is no check for recursion. tcsh allows 10 levels of recursion. (+)
! The previous event (equivalent to -1)
s The most recent event whose first word begins with the string s
?s? The most recent event which contains the string s. The second ? can be omitted if it is immediately followed by a newline.

For example, consider this bit of someone’s history list:

9 8:30 nroff -man
10 8:31 cp
11 8:36 vi
12 8:37 diff

The commands are shown with their event numbers and time stamps. The current event, which we haven’t typed in yet, is event 13. !11 and !-2 refer to event 11. !! refers to the previous event, 12. !! can be abbreviated ! if it is followed by :. !n refers to event 9, which begins with n. !?old? also refers to event 12, which contains old. Without word designators or modifiers history references simply expand to the entire event, so we might type !cp to redo the copy command or !!|more if the diff output scrolled off the top of the screen.

History references may be insulated from the surrounding text with braces if necessary. For example, !vdoc would look for a command beginning with vdoc, and, in this example, not find one, but !{v}doc would expand unambiguously to vi wumpus.mandoc. Even in braces, history substitutions do not nest.

(+) While csh(1) expands, for example, !3d to event 3 with the letter d appended to it, tcsh expands it to the last event beginning with 3d; only completely numeric arguments are treated as event numbers. This makes it possible to recall events beginning with numbers. To expand !3d as in csh(1) say !{3}d.

To select words from an event we can follow the event specification by a : and a designator for the desired words. The words of an input line are numbered from 0, the first (usually command) word being 0, the second word (first argument) being 1, etc. The basic word designators are:

Designators Description
0 The first (command) word
n The nth argument
^ The first argument, equivalent to 1
$ The last argument
% The word matched by an ?s? search
x-y A range of words
-y Equivalent to 0-y
* Equivalent to ^-$, but returns nothing if the event contains only 1 word
x* Equivalent to x-$
x- Equivalent to x*, but omitting the last word ($)

Selected words are inserted into the command line separated by single blanks. For example, the diff command in the previous example might have been typed as diff !!:1.old !!:1 (using :1 to select the first argument from the previous event) or diff !-2:2 !-2:1 to select and swap the arguments from the cp command. If we didn’t care about the order of the diff we might have said diff !-2:1-2 or simply diff !-2:*. The cp command might have been written cp !#:1.old, using # to refer to the current event. !n:- would reuse the first two words from the nroff command to say nroff -man

The : separating the event specification from the word designator can be omitted if the argument selector begins with a ^, $, *, % or -. For example, our diff command might have been diff !!^.old !!^ or, equivalently, diff !!$.old !!$. However, if !! is abbreviated !, an argument selector beginning with - will be interpreted as an event specification.

A history reference may have a word designator but no event specification. It then references the previous command. Continuing our diff example, we could have said simply diff !^.old !^ or, to get the arguments in the opposite order, just diff !*.

Alias substitution


Variable substitution


Command, filename and directory stack substitution


Command substitution


Filename substitution


Directory stack substitution (+)


Other substitutions (+)



Simple commands, pipelines and sequences


Builtin and non-builtin command execution





Control flow




Logical, arithmetical and comparison operators


Command exit status


File inquiry operators



Status reporting


Automatic, periodic and timed events (+)


Native Language System support (+)


OS variant support (+)


Signal handling


Terminal management (+)



Builtin commands

Builtins Description
builtins builtins (+)
Prints the names of all builtin commands.
jobs jobs [-l]
Lists the active jobs. With -l, lists process IDs in addition to the normal information. On TCF systems, prints the site on which each job is executing.
fg fg [%job ...]
Brings the specified jobs (or, without arguments, the current job) into the foreground, continuing each if it is stopped. job may be a number, a string, `, %, + or - as described under Jobs. See also the run-fg-editor editor command.
bg bg [%job ...]
Puts the specified jobs (or, without arguments, the current job) into the background, continuing each if it is stopped. job may be a number, a string, `, %, + or - as described under Jobs.
%job A synonym for the fg builtin command.
%job & A synonym for the bg builtin command.
stop stop %job|pid ...
Stops the specified jobs or processes which are executing in the background. job may be a number, a string, `, %, + or - as described under Jobs. There is no default job; saying just stop does not stop the current job.
kill kill [-s signal] %job|pid ...
The first and second forms sends the specified signal (or, if none is given, the TERM (terminate) signal) to the specified jobs or processes. job may be a number, a string, `, %, + or - as described under Jobs. Signals are either given by number or by name (as given in /usr/include/signal.h, stripped of the prefix SIG). There is no default job; saying just kill does not send a signal to the current job. If the signal being sent is TERM (terminate) or HUP (hangup), then the job or process is sent a CONT (continue) signal as well.

kill -l
The third form lists the signal names.
notify notify [%job ...]
Causes the shell to notify the user asynchronously when the status of any of the specified jobs (or, without %job, the current job) changes, instead of waiting until the next prompt as is usual. job may be a number, a string, `, %, + or - as described under Jobs. See also the notify shell variable.
: Does nothing, successfully.
wait The shell waits for all background jobs. If the shell is interactive, an interrupt will disrupt the wait and cause the shell to print the names and job numbers of all outstanding jobs.
@ @
The first form prints the values of all shell variables.

@ name = expr
The second form assigns the value of expr to name.

@ name[index] = expr
The third form assigns the value of expr to the index‘th component of name; both name and its index‘th component must already exist. expr may contain the operators *, +, etc., as in C. If expr contains <, >, & or ` then at least that part of expr must be placed within (). Note that the syntax of expr has nothing to do with that described under Expressions.

@ name++|--
@ name[index]++|--
The fourth and fifth forms increment (++) or decrement (--) name or its index‘th component.

The space between @ and name is required. The spaces between name and = and between = and expr are optional. Components of expr must be separated by spaces.
alias alias [name [wordlist]]
Without arguments, prints all aliases. With name, prints the alias for name. With name and wordlist, assigns wordlist as the alias of name. wordlist is command and filename substituted. name may not be alias or unalias. See also the unalias builtin command.
unalias unalias pattern
Removes all aliases whose names match pattern. unalias * thus removes all aliases. It is not an error for nothing to be unaliased.
alloc alloc
Shows the amount of dynamic memory acquired, broken down into used and free memory. With an argument shows the number of free and used blocks in each size category. The categories start at size 8 and double at each step. This command’s output may vary across system types, because systems other than the VAX may use a different memory allocator.
bindkey bindkey [-l|-d|-e|-v|-u] (+)
bindkey [-a] [-b] [-k] [-r] [--] key (+)
bindkey [-a] [-b] [-k] [-c|-s] [--] key command (+)
Without options, the first form lists all bound keys and the editor command to which each is bound, the second form lists the editor command to which key is bound and the third form binds the editor command command to key.
bs2cmd bs2cmd bs2000-command (+)
Passes bs2000-command to the BS2000 command interpreter for execution. Only non-interactive commands can be executed, and it is not possible to execute any command that would overlay the image of the current process, like /EXECUTE or /CALL-PROCEDURE. (BS2000 only)
cd cd [-p] [-l] [-n|-v] [\I--] [name]
If a directory name is given, changes the shell’s working directory to name. If not, changes to home, unless the cdtohome variable is not set, in which case a name is required. If name is - it is interpreted as the previous working directory. (+) If name is not a subdirectory of the current directory (and does not begin with /, ./ or ../), each component of the variable cdpath is checked to see if it has a subdirectory name. Finally, if all else fails but name is a shell variable whose value begins with / or ., then this is tried to see if it is a directory, and the -p option is implied.

With -p, prints the final directory stack, just like dirs. The -l, -n and -v flags have the same effect on cd as on dirs, and they imply -p. (+) Using -- forces a break from option processing so the next word is taken as the directory name even if it begins with -. (+)

See also the implicitcd and cdtohome shell variables.
chdir chdir
A synonym for the cd builtin command.
complete complete [command [word/pattern/list[:select]/[[suffix]/] ...]] (+)
Without arguments, lists all completions. With command, lists completions for command. With command and word etc., defines completions. command may be a full command name or a glob-pattern (see Filename substitution). It can begin with - to indicate that completion should be used only when command is ambiguous.
uncomplete uncomplete pattern (+)
Removes all completions whose names match pattern. uncomplete * thus removes all completions. It is not an error for nothing to be uncompleted.
dirs dirs [-l] [-n|-v]
The first form prints the directory stack. The top of the stack is at the left and the first directory in the stack is the current directory.
With -l, ~ or ~name\fP in the output is expanded explicitly to home or the pathname of the home directory for user name\fP. (+)
With -n, entries are wrapped before they reach the edge of the screen. (+)
With -v, entries are printed one per line, preceded by their stack positions. (+)
If more than one of -n or -v is given, -v takes precedence. -p is accepted but does nothing.

dirs -S|-L [filename] (+)
With -S, the second form saves the directory stack to filename as a series of cd and pushd commands.
With -L, the shell sources filename, which is presumably a directory stack file saved by the -S option or the savedirs mechanism. In either case, dirsfile is used if filename is not given and ~/.cshdirs is used if dirsfile is unset.

Note that login shells do the equivalent of dirs -L on startup and, if savedirs is set, dirs -S before exiting. Because only ~/.tcshrc is normally sourced before ~/.cshdirs, dirsfile should be set in ~/.tcshrc rather than ~/.login.

dirs -c (+)
The last form clears the directory stack.
echo echo [-n] word ...
Writes each word to the shell’s standard output, separated by spaces and terminated with a newline. The echo_style shell variable may be set to emulate (or not) the flags and escape sequences of the BSD and/or System V versions of echo; see echo(1).
glob glob wordlist
Like echo, but the -n parameter is not recognized and words are delimited by null characters in the output. Useful for programs which wish to use the shell to filename expand a list of words.
telltc telltc (+)
Lists the values of all terminal capabilities (see termcap(5)).
settc settc cap value (+)
Tells the shell to believe that the terminal capability cap (as defined in termcap(5)) has the value value. No sanity checking is done. Concept terminal users may have to settc xn no to get proper wrapping at the rightmost column.
echotc echotc [-sv] arg ... (+)
Exercises the terminal capabilities (see termcap(5)) in args. For example, echotc home sends the cursor to the home position, echotc cm 3 10 sends it to column 3 and row 10, and echotc ts 0; echo "This is a test."; echotc fs prints “This is a test.” in the status line.
eval eval arg ...
Treats the arguments as input to the shell and executes the resulting command(s) in the context of the current shell. This is usually used to execute commands generated as the result of command or variable substitution, because parsing occurs before these substitutions. See tset(1) for a sample use of eval.
exec exec command
Executes the specified command in place of the current shell.
exit exit [expr]
The shell exits either with the value of the specified expr (an expression, as described under Expressions) or, without expr, with the value 0.
filetest filetest -op file ... (+)
Applies op (which is a file inquiry operator as described under File inquiry operators) to each file and returns the results as a space-separated list.
getspath getspath (+)
Prints the system execution path. (TCF only)
getxvers getxvers (+)
Prints the experimental version prefix. (TCF only)
goto goto word
word is filename and command-substituted to yield a string of the form label. The shell rewinds its input as much as possible, searches for a line of the form label:, possibly preceded by blanks or tabs, and continues execution after that line.
hashstat hashstat
Prints a statistics line indicating how effective the internal hash table has been at locating commands (and avoiding exec’s). An exec is attempted for each component of the path where the hash function indicates a possible hit, and in each component which does not begin with a /. On machines without vfork(2), prints only the number and size of hash buckets.
rehash rehash
Causes the internal hash table of the contents of the directories in the path variable to be recomputed. This is needed if the autorehash shell variable is not set and new commands are added to directories in path while you are logged in. With autorehash, a new command will be found automatically, except in the special case where another command of the same name which is located in a different directory already exists in the hash table. Also flushes the cache of home directories built by tilde expansion.
unhash unhash
Disables use of the internal hash table to speed location of executed programs.
history history [-hTr] [n]
The first form prints the history event list. If n is given only the n most recent events are printed or saved.
With -h, the history list is printed without leading numbers.
If -T is specified, timestamps are printed also in comment form. (This can be used to produce files suitable for loading with history -L or source -h.)
With -r, the order of printing is most recent first rather than oldest first.

history -S|-L|-M [filename] (+)
With -S, the second form saves the history list to filename. If the first word of the savehist shell variable is set to a number, at most that many lines are saved. If the second word of savehist is set to merge, the history list is merged with the existing history file instead of replacing it (if there is one) and sorted by time stamp. (+) Merging is intended for an environment like the X Window System with several shells in simultaneous use. If the second word of savehist is merge and the third word is set to lock, the history file update will be serialized with other shell sessions that would possibly like to merge history at exactly the same time.
With -L, the shell appends filename, which is presumably a history list saved by the -S option or the savehist mechanism, to the history list. -M is like -L, but the contents of filename are merged into the history list and sorted by timestamp. In either case, histfile is used if filename is not given and ~/.history is used if histfile is unset. history -L is exactly like source -h except that it does not require a filename.

Note that login shells do the equivalent of history -L on startup and, if savehist is set, history -S before exiting. Because only ~/.tcshrc is normally sourced before ~/.history, histfile should be set in ~/.tcshrc rather than ~/.login.

If histlit is set, the first and second forms print and save the literal (unexpanded) form of the history list.

history -c (+)
The last form clears the history list.
hup hup [command] (+)
With command, runs command such that it will exit on a hangup signal and arranges for the shell to send it a hangup signal when the shell exits. Note that commands may set their own response to hangups, overriding hup. Without an argument, causes the non-interactive shell only to exit on a hangup for the remainder of the script. See also Signal handling and the nohup builtin command.
nohup nohup [command]
With command, runs command such that it will ignore hangup signals. Note that commands may set their own response to hangups, overriding nohup. Without an argument, causes the non-interactive shell only to ignore hangups for the remainder of the script. See also Signal handling and the hup builtin command.
inlib inlib shared-library ... (+)
Adds each shared-library to the current environment. There is no way to remove a shared library. (Domain/OS only)
limit limit [-h] [resource [maximum-use]]
Limits the consumption by the current process and each process it creates to not individually exceed maximum-use on the specified resource. If no maximum-use is given, then the current limit is printed; if no resource is given, then all limitations are given. If the -h flag is given, the hard limits are used instead of the current limits. The hard limits impose a ceiling on the values of the current limits. Only the super-user may raise the hard limits, but a user may lower or raise the current limits within the legal range.
unlimit unlimit [-hf] [resource]
Removes the limitation on resource or, if no resource is specified, all resource limitations. With -h, the corresponding hard limits are removed. Only the super-user may do this. Note that unlimit may not exit successful, since most systems do not allow descriptors to be unlimited. With -f errors are ignored.
log log (+)
Prints the watch shell variable and reports on each user indicated in watch who is logged in, regardless of when they last logged in. See also watchlog.
watchlog watchlog (+)
An alternate name for the log builtin command (q.v.). Available only if the shell was so compiled; see the version shell variable.
login login
Terminates a login shell, replacing it with an instance of /bin/login. This is one way to log off, included for compatibility with sh(1).
logout logout
Terminates a login shell. Especially useful if ignoreeof is set.
bye bye (+)
A synonym for the logout builtin command. Available only if the shell was so compiled; see the version shell variable.
ls-F ls-F [-switch ...] [file ...] (+)
Lists files like ls -F, but much faster. It identifies each type of special file in the listing with a special character:
/ Directory
* Executable
# Block device
% Character device
| Named pipe (systems with named pipes only)
= Socket (systems with sockets only)
@ Symbolic link (systems with symbolic links only)
+ Hidden directory (AIX only) or context dependent (HP/UX only)
: Network special (HP/UX only)

If the listlinks shell variable is set, symbolic links are identified in more detail (on only systems that have them, of course):
@ Symbolic link to a non-directory
> Symbolic link to a directory
& Symbolic link to nowhere

listlinks also slows down ls-F and causes partitions holding files pointed to by symbolic links to be mounted.

If the listflags shell variable is set to x, a or A, or any combination thereof (e.g., xA), they are used as flags to ls-F, making it act like ls -xF, ls -Fa, ls -FA or a combination (e.g., ls -FxA). On machines where ls -C is not the default, ls-F acts like ls -CF, unless listflags contains an x, in which case it acts like ls -xF. ls-F passes its arguments to ls(1) if it is given any switches, so alias ls ls-F generally does the right thing.

The ls-F builtin can list files using different colors depending on the filetype or extension. See the color shell variable and the LS_COLORS environment variable.
migrate migrate [-site] pid|%jobid ... (+)
The first form migrates the process or job to the site specified or the default site determined by the system path.

migrate -site (+)
The second form is equivalent to migrate -site $$: it migrates the current process to the specified site. Migrating the shell itself can cause unexpected behavior, because the shell does not like to lose its tty. (TCF only)
newgrp newgrp [-] [group] (+)
Equivalent to exec newgrp; see newgrp(1). Available only if the shell was so compiled; see the version shell variable.
nice nice [+number] [command]
Sets the scheduling priority for the shell to number, or, without number, to 4. With command, runs command at the appropriate priority. The greater the number, the less cpu the process gets. The super-user may specify negative priority by using nice -number .... Command is always executed in a sub-shell, and the restrictions placed on commands in simple if statements apply.
onintr onintr [-|label]
Controls the action of the shell on interrupts.
Without arguments, restores the default action of the shell on interrupts, which is to terminate shell scripts or to return to the terminal command input level.
With -, causes all interrupts to be ignored.
With label, causes the shell to execute a goto label when an interrupt is received or a child process terminates because it was interrupted. onintr is ignored if the shell is running detached and in system startup files (see FILES), where interrupts are disabled anyway.
pushd pushd [-p] [-l] [-n|-v] [name|+n]
Without arguments, exchanges the top two elements of the directory stack. If pushdtohome is set, pushd without arguments does pushd ~, like cd. (+)

With name, pushes the current working directory onto the directory stack and changes to name. If name is - it is interpreted as the previous working directory (see Filename substitution). (+) If dunique is set, pushd removes any instances of name from the stack before pushing it onto the stack. (+)

With a number +n, rotates the nth element of the directory stack around to be the top element and changes to it. If dextract is set, however, pushd +n extracts the nth directory, pushes it onto the top of the stack and changes to it. (+)

Finally, all forms of pushd print the final directory stack, just like dirs. The pushdsilent shell variable can be set to prevent this and the -p flag can be given to override pushdsilent.

The -l, -n and -v flags have the same effect on pushd as on dirs. (+)
popd popd [-p] [-l] [-n|-v] [+n]
Without arguments, pops the directory stack and returns to the new top directory.

With a number +n, discards the n‘th entry in the stack.

Finally, all forms of popd print the final directory stack, just like dirs. The pushdsilent shell variable can be set to prevent this and the -p flag can be given to override pushdsilent.

The -l, -n and -v flags have the same effect on popd as on dirs. (+)
set set
The first form of the command prints the value of all shell variables. Variables which contain more than a single word print as a parenthesized word list.

set name ...
The second form sets name to the null string.

set name=word ...
The third form sets name to the single word.

set [-r] [-f|-l] name=(wordlist) ... (+)
The fourth form sets name to the list of words in wordlist. In all cases the value is command and filename expanded. If -r is specified, the value is set read-only. If -f or -l are specified, set only unique words keeping their order. -f prefers the first occurrence of a word, and -l the last.

set name[index]=word ...
The fifth form sets the index‘th component of name to word; this component must already exist.

set -r (+)The sixth form lists only the names of all shell variables that are read-only.

set -r name ... (+)
The seventh form makes name read-only, whether or not it has a value.

set -r name=word ... (+)
The eighth form is the same as the third form, but make name read-only at the same time.

These arguments can be repeated to set and/or make read-only multiple variables in a single set command. Note, however, that variable expansion happens for all arguments before any setting occurs. Note also that = can be adjacent to both name and word or separated from both by whitespace, but cannot be adjacent to only one or the other. See also the unset builtin command.
unset unset pattern
Removes all variables whose names match pattern, unless they are read-only. unset * thus removes all variables unless they are read-only; this is a bad idea. It is not an error for nothing to be unset.
setenv setenv [name [value]]
Without arguments, prints the names and values of all environment variables. Given name, sets the environment variable name to value or, without value, to the null string.
unsetenv unsetenv pattern
Removes all environment variables whose names match pattern. unsetenv * thus removes all environment variables; this is a bad idea. It is not an error for nothing to be unsetenved.
printenv printenv [name] (+)
Prints the names and values of all environment variables or, with name, the value of the environment variable name.
repeat repeat count command
The specified command, which is subject to the same restrictions as the command in the one line if statement above, is executed count times. I/O redirections occur exactly once, even if count is 0.
rootnode rootnode //nodename (+)
Changes the rootnode to //nodename, so that / will be interpreted as //nodename. (Domain/OS only)
sched sched (+)
The first form prints the scheduled-event list. The sched shell variable may be set to define the format in which the scheduled-event list is printed.

sched [+]hh:mm command (+)
The second form adds command to the scheduled-event list.

sched -n (+)
setpath setpath path (+)
Equivalent to setpath(1). (Mach only)
setspath setspath LOCAL|site|cpu ... (+)
Sets the system execution path. (TCF only)
setty setty [-d|-q|-x] [-a] [[+|-]mode] (+)
Controls which tty modes (see Terminal management) the shell does not allow to change. -d, -q or -x tells setty to act on the edit, quote or execute set of tty modes respectively; without -d, -q or -x, execute is used.

Without other arguments, setty lists the modes in the chosen set which are fixed on (+mode) or off (-mode). The available modes, and thus the display, vary from system to system.

With -a, lists all tty modes in the chosen set whether or not they are fixed. With +mode, -mode or mode, fixes mode on or off or removes control from mode in the chosen set. For example, setty +echok echoe fixes echok mode on and allows commands to turn echoe mode on or off, both when the shell is executing commands.
setxvers setxvers [string] (+)
Set the experimental version prefix to string, or removes it if string is omitted. (TCF only)
shift shift [variable]
Without arguments, discards argv[1] and shifts the members of argv to the left. It is an error for argv not to be set or to have less than one word as value. With variable, performs the same function on variable.
source source [-h] name [args ...]
The shell reads and executes commands from name. The commands are not placed on the history list. If any args are given, they are placed in argv. (+) source commands may be nested; if they are nested too deeply the shell may run out of file descriptors. An error in a source at any level terminates all nested source commands. With -h, commands are placed on the history list instead of being executed, much like history -L.
suspend Causes the shell to stop in its tracks, much as if it had been sent a stop signal with ^Z. This is most often used to stop shells started by su(1).
termname termname [terminal type] (+)
Tests if terminal type (or the current value of TERM if no terminal type is given) has an entry in the hosts termcap(5) or terminfo(5) database. Prints the terminal type to stdout and returns 0 if an entry is present otherwise returns 1.
time time [command]
Executes command (which must be a simple command, not an alias, a pipeline, a command list or a parenthesized command list) and prints a time summary as described under the time variable. If necessary, an extra shell is created to print the time statistic when the command completes. Without command, prints a time summary for the current shell and its children.
umask umask [value]
Sets the file creation mask to value, which is given in octal. Common values for the mask are 002, giving all access to the group and read and execute access to others, and 022, giving read and execute access to the group and others. Without value, prints the current file creation mask.
universe universe universe (+)
Sets the universe to universe. (Masscomp/RTU only)
warp warp universe (+)
Sets the universe to universe. (Convex/OS only)
ver ver [systype [command]] (+)
Without arguments, prints SYSTYPE. With systype, sets SYSTYPE to systype. With systype and command, executes command under systype. systype may be bsd4.3 or sys5.3. (Domain/OS only)
where where command (+)
Reports all known instances of command, including aliases, builtins and executables in path.
which which command (+)
Displays the command that will be executed by the shell after substitutions, path searching, etc. The builtin command is just like which(1), but it correctly reports tcsh aliases and builtins and is 10 to 100 times faster. See also the which-command editor command.


Format #1:

if (expr) command

If expr (an expression, as described under Expressions) evaluates true, then command is executed. Variable substitution on command happens early, at the same time it does for the rest of the if command. command must be a simple command, not an alias, a pipeline, a command list or a parenthesized command list, but it may have arguments. Input/output redirection occurs even if expr is false and command is thus not executed; this is a bug.

Format #2:

if (expr) then
else if (expr2) then

If the specified expr is true then the commands to the first else are executed; otherwise if expr2 is true then the commands to the second else are executed, etc. Any number of else-if pairs are possible; only one endif is needed. The else part is likewise optional. (The words else and endif must appear at the beginning of input lines; the if must appear alone on its input line or after an else.)



switch (string)
case str1:

case str2:




Each case label is successively matched, against the specified string which is first command and filename expanded. The file metacharacters *, ? and [...] may be used in the case labels, which are variable expanded. If none of the labels match before a default label is found, then the execution begins after the default label. Each case label and the default label must appear at the beginning of a line. The command breaksw causes execution to continue after the endsw. Otherwise control may fall through case labels and default labels as in C. If no label matches and there is no default, execution continues after the endsw.



foreach name (wordlist)

Successively sets the variable name to each member of wordlist and executes the sequence of commands between this command and the matching end. (Both foreach and end must appear alone on separate lines.) The builtin command continue may be used to continue the loop prematurely and the builtin command break to terminate it prematurely. When this command is read from the terminal, the loop is read once prompting with foreach? (or prompt2) before any statements in the loop are executed. If you make a mistake typing in a loop at the terminal you can rub it out.



while (expr)
Executes the commands between the while and the matching end while expr (an expression, as described under Expressions) evaluates non-zero. while and end must appear alone on their input lines. break and continue may be used to terminate or continue the loop prematurely. If the input is a terminal, the user is prompted the first time through the loop as with foreach.

Special aliases (+)

If set, each of these aliases executes automatically at the indicated time. They are all initially undefined.

Special_aliases Description
beepcmd Runs when the shell wants to ring the terminal bell.
cwdcmd Runs after every change of working directory. For example, if the user is working on an X window system using xterm(1) and a re-parenting window manager that supports title bars such as twm(1) and does
> alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd ^G"'
then the shell will change the title of the running xterm(1) to be the name of the host, a colon, and the full current working directory. A fancier way to do that is
> alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "^[]2;${HOST}:$cwd^G^[]1;${HOST}^G"'
This will put the hostname and working directory on the title bar but only the hostname in the icon manager menu.

Note that putting a cd, pushd or popd in cwdcmd may cause an infinite loop. It is the author’s opinion that anyone doing so will get what they deserve.
jobcmd Runs before each command gets executed, or when the command changes state. This is similar to postcmd, but it does not print builtins.
> alias jobcmd 'echo -n "^[]2\;\!#:q^G"'
then executing vi foo.c will put the command string in the xterm title bar.
postcmd Runs before each command gets executed.
> alias postcmd 'echo -n "^[]2\;\!#:q^G"'
then executing vi foo.c will put the command string in the xterm title bar.
helpcommand Invoked by the run-help editor command. The command name for which help is sought is passed as sole argument. For example, if one does
> alias helpcommand '\!:1 --help'
then the help display of the command itself will be invoked, using the GNU help calling convention. Currently there is no easy way to account for various calling conventions (e.g., the customary Unix -h), except by using a table of many commands.
periodic Runs every tperiod minutes. This provides a convenient means for checking on common but infrequent changes such as new mail. For example, if one does
> set tperiod = 30
> alias periodic checknews
then the checknews(1) program runs every 30 minutes. If periodic is set but tperiod is unset or set to 0, periodic behaves like precmd.
precmd Runs just before each prompt is printed. For example, if one does
> alias precmd date
then date(1) runs just before the shell prompts for each command. There are no limits on what precmd can be set to do, but discretion should be used.
shell Specifies the interpreter for executable scripts which do not themselves specify an interpreter. The first word should be a full path name to the desired interpreter (e.g., /bin/csh or /usr/local/bin/tcsh).

Special shell variables


Variables Description
AFSUSER (+) Equivalent to the afsuser shell variable.
COLUMNS The number of columns in the terminal. See Terminal management.
DISPLAY Used by X Window System. If set, the shell does not set autologout (q.v.).
EDITOR The pathname to a default editor. Used by the run-fg-editor editor command if the the editors shell variable is unset. See also the VISUAL environment variable.
GROUP (+) Equivalent to the group shell variable.
HOME Equivalent to the home shell variable.
HOST (+) Initialized to the name of the machine on which the shell is running, as determined by the gethostname(2) system call.
HOSTTYPE (+) Initialized to the type of machine on which the shell is running, as determined at compile time. This variable is obsolete and will be removed in a future version.
HPATH (+) A colon-separated list of directories in which the run-help editor command looks for command documentation.
LANG Gives the preferred character environment. See Native Language System support.
LC_CTYPE If set, only ctype character handling is changed. See Native Language System support.
LINES The number of lines in the terminal. See Terminal management.
LS_COLORS The format of this variable is reminiscent of the termcap(5) file format; a colon-separated list of expressions of the form xx=string, where xx is a two-character variable name.
MACHTYPE (+) The machine type (microprocessor class or machine model), as determined at compile time.
NOREBIND (+) If set, printable characters are not rebound to self-insert-command. See Native Language System support.
OSTYPE (+) The operating system, as determined at compile time.
PATH A colon-separated list of directories in which to look for executables. Equivalent to the path shell variable, but in a different format.
PWD (+) Equivalent to the cwd shell variable, but not synchronized to it; updated only after an actual directory change.
REMOTEHOST (+) The host from which the user has logged in remotely, if this is the case and the shell is able to determine it. Set only if the shell was so compiled; see the version shell variable.
SHLVL (+) Equivalent to the shlvl shell variable.
SYSTYPE (+) The current system type. (Domain/OS only)
TERM Equivalent to the term shell variable.
TERMCAP The terminal capability string. See Terminal management.
USER Equivalent to the user shell variable.
VENDOR (+) The vendor, as determined at compile time.
VISUAL The pathname to a default full-screen editor. Used by the run-fg-editor editor command if the the editors shell variable is unset. See also the EDITOR environment variable.


Files Description
/etc/csh.cshrc Read first by every shell. ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use /etc/cshrc and NeXTs use /etc/cshrc.std. A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX have no equivalent in csh, but read this file in tcsh anyway. Solaris 2.x does not have it either, but tcsh reads /etc/.cshrc. (+)
/etc/csh.login Read by login shells after /etc/csh.cshrc. ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use /etc/login, NeXTs use /etc/login.std, Solaris 2.x uses /etc/.login and A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX use /etc/cshrc.
~/.tcshrc (+) Read by every shell after /etc/csh.cshrc or its equivalent.
~/.cshrc Read by every shell, if ~/.tcshrc doesn’t exist, after /etc/csh.cshrc or its equivalent. This manual uses ~/.tcshrc to mean ~/.tcshrc or, if **~/.tcshrc* is not found, ~/.cshrc.
~/.history Read by login shells after ~/.tcshrc if savehist is set, but see also histfile.
~/.login Read by login shells after ~/.tcshrc or ~/.history. The shell may be compiled to read ~/.login before instead of after ~/.tcshrc and ~/.history; see the version shell variable.
~/.cshdirs (+) Read by login shells after ~/.login if savedirs is set, but see also dirsfile.
/etc/csh.logout Read by login shells at logout. ConvexOS, Stellix and Intel use /etc/logout and NeXTs use /etc/logout.std. A/UX, AMIX, Cray and IRIX have no equivalent in csh, but read this file in tcsh anyway. Solaris 2.x does not have it either, but tcsh reads /etc/.logout. (+)
~/.logout Read by login shells at logout after /etc/csh.logout or its equivalent.
/bin/sh Used to interpret shell scripts not starting with a #.
/tmp/sh* Temporary file for <<.
/etc/passwd Source of home directories for ~name substitutions.

The order in which startup files are read may differ if the shell was so compiled.



In 1964, DEC produced the PDP-6. The PDP-10 was a later re-implementation. It was re-christened the DECsystem-10 in 1970 or so when DEC brought out the second model, the KI10.

TENEX was created at Bolt, Beranek & Newman (a Cambridge, Massachusetts think tank) in 1972 as an experiment in demand-paged virtual memory operating systems. They built a new pager for the DEC PDP-10 and created the OS to go with it. It was extremely successful in academia.

In 1975, DEC brought out a new model of the PDP-10, the KL10; they intended to have only a version of TENEX, which they had licensed from BBN, for the new box. They called their version TOPS-20 (their capitalization is trademarked). A lot of TOPS-10 users (The OPerating System for PDP-10) objected; thus DEC found themselves supporting two incompatible systems on the same hardware – but then there were 6 on the PDP-11!

TENEX, and TOPS-20 to version 3, had command completion via a user-code-level subroutine library called ULTCMD. With version 3, DEC moved all that capability and more into the monitor (‘kernel’ for you Unix types), accessed by the COMND% JSYS (‘Jump to SYStem’ instruction, the supervisor call mechanism).

The creator of tcsh was impressed by this feature and several others of TENEX and TOPS-20, and created a version of csh which mimicked them.


The system limits argument lists to ARG_MAX characters.

The number of arguments to a command which involves filename expansion is limited to 1/6th the number of characters allowed in an argument list.

Command substitutions may substitute no more characters than are allowed in an argument list.

To detect looping, the shell restricts the number of alias substitutions on a single line to 20.
