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- The Kernel Newbie Corner: Kernel and Module Debugging with gdb | Linux.com
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- Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen: James G. March: 9781439157336: Amazon.com: Books
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- LinuxKD: Debugging Linux kernel over serial port
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- LKML: Linus Torvalds: Linux 3.0-rc1
- initrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- MarkdownPad - The Markdown Editor for Windows
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- ReText - The Markdown Editor for Linux
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- Dillinger - The Online Markdown Editor
- Markable.in - The Online Markdown Editor
- StackEdit - The Online Markdown Editor
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- Markups 0.6.0 : Python Package Index
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- Qt Project Git Repository Browser
- Jekyllbootstrap - The Quickest Way to Blog on GitHub Pages
- GitHub Pages Basics - User Documentation
- RubyGems 淘宝网镜像
- 搭建一个免费的,无限流量的Blog----github Pages和Jekyll入门
- Jekyll使用篇 1 - 发布文章、加入评论功能、加入Google Analytics
- Github Pages极简教程
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- #f0ffff 十六进制颜色信息 (Azure Mist/web) - SpyColor.com
- Sass: Sass Basics
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- Scott Chacon - Scott Chacon on the Webs
- Sites using Jekyll
- Sites · jekyll/jekyll Wiki
- über duper - dan's tech blog
- buildr — Apache Buildr
- Java Blog - 9leg
- mojobojo.com
- Markdown Edit · Mike-Ward.Net
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- MCG 3G FW - (2) Units - AM - Module Test
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- branching_overview_3gfw - All Items
- Intel Phone Book
- Home - Circuit [For Employees@Intel]
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- https://csm.imu.intel.com:8181/csm/index.xhtml?browserTabId=1 is not available
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- CppUnit - The Unit Testing Library - latest version (stable)
- CppUnit - The Unit Testing Library - v1.11.6 (dev.)
- CppUnit - The Unit Testing Library - CppUnit Cookbook
- CppUnit - Wiki
- CppUnit - C++ port of JUnit
- CppUnit - /trunk/cppunit
- Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD)
- Advanced Unit Test, Part V - Unit Test Patterns - CodeProject
- Boost C++ Libraries
- Boost Test Library - v1.52.0
- Boost Test Library - v1.33.1
- Book - The Boost C++ Libraries
- Turtle
- ISS Home
- Tieto 7160 Team Site - Home
- XMM7260 - Home
- Unit Test Cases - All Items
- BOOST Unit Testing - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Firmware - LAD PAE Technology TME - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Firmware - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- For FW developers - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Home - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- LTE Firmware beginners guide - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
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- LTE FW Engineering build Howto - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- UTP Handling Process - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Jenkins CI
- CUnit Home
- CUnit Users Guide
- CUnit Documentation
- Tips and Tricks Source Insight - MCG 3G FW - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Home - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Build System (UBS - Unified Build System) - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- OptiCM6 GUI - User Guide - 01 Basic usage - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- OptiCM6 GUI - User Guide - 02 Rebase - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- OptiCM6 GUI - User Guide - 03 Collaboration - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- SPS <==> Manifest - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Sandbox training cycle - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- How to debug in TCloud6 - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Howtos (CM and BM related) - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- General FW OptiCM6 - MCG 3G FW - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- 21 - Engineering Builds - OptiCM6 - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- General FW STT for BO - MCG 3G FW - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Tips and Tricks 3GFTT, STT, Mobile Analyzer, CrashInspect - MCG 3G FW - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Tipps and Tricks Sourcecode Formatting - MCG 3G FW - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- C C++ Language Coding Style - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
- Chen, WeixiangX
- Guideline for beginners at LTE FW - LTE - Intel Enterprise Wiki
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- perl - perldoc.perl.org
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- Dart : Structured web programming
- 编程语言的发展趋势及未来方向(1):历史回顾及趋势概述 - 老赵点滴 - 追求编程之美
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): PyPy
- C History
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- GitHub - Build software better, together.
- GitHub Pages
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- Gerrit - Gerrit Code Review
- Gitorious
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- Quilt - Git Repositories [Savannah]
- CVS - Concurrent Version System
- gCVS
Linux Commands
- Switching From Windows to Nix or a Newbie to Linux - 20 Useful Commands for Linux Newbies
- 20 Advanced Commands for Middle Level Linux Users
- 35 Practical Examples of Linux Find Command
- 12 Useful "df" Commands to Check Disk Space in Linux
- linux+netfilter源码分析_百度文库
- sed & awk
- The Linux Foundation
- LSB: Linux Standard Base
- FHS: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- UEFI: Unified EFI Forum
- LWN.net
- LWN.net - Community Calendar
- LWN.net - Kernel coverage
Mail List Archives
- Majordomo Lists at VGER.KERNEL.ORG
- MARC: Mailing list ARChives
- LKML: Linux Kernel Mailing List Archive
- LKML: Headers for Index for 2014
- Gmane: Mail To News And Back Again
- Patchwork: Project List
The Linux Kernel Archives
- The Linux Kernel Archives
- The Linux Kernel Archives - /pub/
- The Linux Kernel Archives - /pub/linux/kernel
- The Linux Kernel Archives - /pub/linux/kernel/next
Kernel Git Repository
- git.kernel.org
- git.kernel.org - kernel/git/next/linux-next.git (-next tree) [Base on this tree to develop kernel] ***
- git.kernel.org - kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git (mainline)
- git.kernel.org - kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git (-stable tree) [Bugfix, or security patches. No new feature]
Subsystem trees included in -next tree
- git.kernel.org - kernel/git/gregkh/staging.git (driver/fs/cleanup) [Already included in -next tree]
- git.kernel.org - kernel/git/mhocko/mm.git (-mm tree) [Already included in -next tree]
- ozlabs.org - /~akpm/mmotm (-mmotm tree) [Already included in -next tree]
- linux-next Size
- Kernel History on GitHub
Linux Cross Reference
- Linux Syscall Reference
- LXR: The Linux Cross Reference
- LXR: The Linux Cross Reference - v3.2.0
- LXR: OSS.org.cn - 开源中国
- QXR: Linux Cross Reference
- FXR: FreeBSD and Linux Kernel Cross-Reference
- Cross-Referenced Linux and Device Driver Code
- Linux Kernel Docs
Linux Tests
- Linux Test Project
- Autotest - Fully automated testing under linux
Linux Kernel Document
- Linux Kernel Documentation
- The Linux Documentation Project (LDP)
- Linux Man Pages
- Linux Man Pages Online
- Linux man-pages online
- The Linux Kernel
- Linux Kernel Newbies
- The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
Linux From Scratch
- Linux From Scratch (LFS)
- Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS)
- Automated Linux From Scratch (ALFS)
- Linux From Scratch - Development Release 20150514
Linux Distributions
- GNU/Linux Distribution Timeline
- DistroWatch.com
- Index of /~kernel-ppa/mainline
- Ubuntu Home Page
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- Ubuntu中文论坛
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- Fedora项目
- Fedora 中文用户
- openSUSE.org
- WubiGuide - Ubuntu Wiki
- Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)
- Kubuntu Updates : “Kubuntu Package Archives” team
- elementary OS
Embedded Linux
- OpenEmbedded
- 嵌入式linux中文站
- Yocto: Open Source embedded Linux build system
- Memory Technology Device (MTD) Subsystem for Linux.
- Exuberant Ctags
- vrothberg/vgrep
Kernel Bug Tracker
- Kernel Bug Tracker
- Linux Kernel Oops
- Graphical User Interface Gallery
- Graphical User Interface Gallery2
- Linux内核之旅
- ChinaUnix.net
- Oldlinux.org
- upstart - event-based init daemon
- systemd
- systemd - git repository browser
- init system other points, and conclusion (part 1)
- init system other points, and conclusion (part 2)
- Freenode Wiki
- freenode.net
- SuperUser
- Linux Usage Statistics
- KVM: Kernel Based Virtual Machine
- Upstart
- KDevelop
- Linux常用的Shell命令
- Linux Driver Project
- Three Ways for Beginners to Contribute to the Linux Kernel
- Linux内核发布模式与开发组织模式(1)
- Linux内核发布模式与开发组织模式(2)
- 30 Linux Kernel Developers in 30 Weeks
- An introduction to Linux kernel programming
- Introduction to Linux kernel programming (2nd edition)
- Beginner's Guide to Installing from Source
- Working more productively with bash 2.x/3.x
- 鸟哥的Linux私房菜
- Study-Area
- The GNU Operating System
- GNU Project Archives
- GNU - Free Software Directory
- GNU Make
- Online Manuals - GNU Project
- GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- GitMirror - GCC Wiki
- gcc.gnu.org Git - gcc.git/summary
- https://github.com/mirrors/gcc
- GCC Development Plan - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- Installing GCC - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- ncc - new generation C compiler
- CodeViz – Freecode
- Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
- Git Repository for Graphviz
- libtool.git - GNU Libtool
- The GNU C Library (glibc)
- The UNIX System, UNIX System
- UNIX History
- Android Git Repositories
- Android Git repositories - Git at Google
- Android Git Repositories - tools/repo
- Android Git Repositories - platform/manifest
- Android Git Repositories - kernel/common
- Android Code Review Website
- Developing Android - Git, Repo, Gerrit
- Developing Android - Android Source Code Overview
- Developing Android - System Requirements for Android Building
- Developing Android - Initializing a Build Environment
- Developing Android - Downloading Android Source Code
- Developing Android - Building Android System
- Developing Android - Building Android System - Codelines, Branches, and Releases
- Developing Android - Building Android System - Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers
- Developing Android - Building Kernels
Android & Linux Kernel
- Android - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- Android与linux的区别与联系-momser-ChinaUnix博客
- Android对Linux内核的改动你知道多少?_腾讯·大楚网
- android kernel和标准linux kernel的区别 - 水龙吟的备忘录 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- Android
- Android Developers
- Android SDK | Android Developers
- Android 4.0 Platform Highlights | Android Developers
- Package Index | Android Developers
- anddev.org
- Android开发
- Building Kernels | Android Developers
- 下载android源码 - zbunix的专栏 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- The Android Open Source Project on Open Hub
- android编译全过程(很详细,本人推荐)-Framework&底层开发-eoe 移动开发者论坛 - Powered by Discuz!
- Android编译系统简要介绍和学习计划 - 老罗的Android之旅 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
- Android编译过程详解(一) - little_raptor - 博客园
- 在 Linux 里搭建 Android App 开发环境_Linux伊甸园开源社区-24小时滚动更新开源资讯,全年无休!
- Linux 下使用命令行开发 Android 应用程序_IT新闻_博客园
- Tizen | An open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories.
- review.tizen.org Git
- Tizen Development Working Mechanism | Tizen Source
- Setting up Development Environment | Tizen Source
- Automotive Grade Linux
- Automotive Grade Linux - Wiki
- Participating in AGL as an Individual | Automotive Grade Linux
- OpenWrt
- OpenWrt 中文网
- GetSource – OpenWrt
- 3GPP
- 3GPP Working Procedures
- Index of /ftp
- Index of /ftp/Specs/
- Index of /ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-8
- Index of /ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-9
- Index of /ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-10
- Index of /ftp/Specs/latest/Rel-15
- Index of /ftp/Information/WORK_PLAN - Work Plan
- Index of /ftp/Information/WORK_PLAN/Description_Releases
- Index of /ftp/Information/WI_Sheet - Work Item Description (WID) / Study Item Description (SID)
- Index of /ftp/tsg_ran
- Index of /ftp/tsg_ran/TSG_RAN
- Index of /ftp/tsg_ran/WG1_RL1
- 3GPP Change Requests
- Index of /ftp/Information/Databases/Change_Request
- 3GPP document search by file name | Netovate
- CR search | Netovate
- 3GPP Specifications for GSM and GERAN
- GSA - The Global mobile Suppliers Association
- GSA - Information Papers
- WCDMA / HSPA Databank
- HD Voice | Technical Projects
- GSM/3G Stats
- LTE1800 Zone
- Mobile Analytics Report – Data Traffic Statistics – Bytemobile
- Global Certification Forum
- Global Certification Forum - Terminal List
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- ITU-T Recommendations advanced search
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- ITU-R Handbooks
- ITU-R - IMT-Advanced submission and evaluation process
- 4G Americas
- 3GPP2
- RFC-Editor Webpage
- Publicly Available Standards
- Unicode Consortium
- ATM Forum
- 中国通信标准化协会
- AISG - Antenna Interface Standards Group
- GSM World : Home of the GSM Association
- GSM, SIP, H.323, ISUP and IMS Call Flows
- The GSM Network
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- UMTS World
- CDG - CDMA Development Group
- FrontPage - The Ethereal Wiki
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- The SpecTool - LTE Protocols - Control Plane
- NGMN - next generation mobile networks
- 3G LTE Tutorial - 3GPP Long Term Evolution :: Radio-Electronics.Com
- GTI - Global TD-LTE Initiative
- IDC Home: The premier global market intelligence firm.
- ShareTechnote - Home
- ShareTechnote - LTE Quick Reference
- ShareTechnote - Tips for Basic Procedures
- 3G Evolution Lab - LTE Toolbox and Blockset
- ScottBaxter.com
- LTE University
- Master Telecom Faster
- Master LTE Faster - The SpecTool - LTE Protocols
- LTE Guide
- Developing Solutions
- GitHub - chunyeow/openairinterface5g: OpenAirInterface from Eurecom
- IBM 支持与下载 - 产品资料中心
- Rational ClearCase 7.0.0 Online Help
- Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition
- IBM Software FTP site
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- Microsoft知识库-高级检索
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- FastDB
- 数据库查询工具 - Aqua Data Studio
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- fox-toolkit.org
- Object Management Group
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- StateWORKS
- IBM Systems Information Center
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- Infosys
- Xilinx 公司提供的 FPGA、CPLD 和 EPP 解决方案。
- Altera – FPGA、CPLD、ASIC和可编程逻辑
- Actel: China
- Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
- Achronix Semiconductor Corp
- Analog, Embedded Processing, Semiconductor Company, Texas Instruments - TI.com
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- OpenStreetMap
- ARM Information Center
- ARM architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- ARM Holdings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- CEVA - DSP IP cores for a range of markets including 4G LTE, Audio, Voice, Image Signal Processing, SATA, SAS and Bluetooth
- Analog, Embedded Processing, Semiconductor Company, Texas Instruments - TI.com
- Analog Devices | Semiconductors and Signal Processing ICs
- How to Disagree